Unitarian 4th Principle Group

we affirm and promote the free and responsible search for truth and meaning

CUC Strategic Priorities – Letter from President

Posted with permission

From: President CUC Board <president-board@cuc.ca>
Date: Mon, Aug 21, 2023 at 12:51 PM
Subject: Re: Strategic Priorities
Cc: Vyda Ng <vyda.ng@cuc.ca>, 4th Principle Vancouver Group

Hello Teresa et al., 

Thank you, the Board appreciates hearing from CUC congregations and their engaged members. The CUC truly exists as circles of democracy, with individual members influencing their congregations which collectively then make up the CUC. The CUC is made up of 42 congregations which together represent the 4000 or so individual Unitarians and UUs across Canada.

The original inclusion of environmental action as a subset of the Eighth Principle was a formatting error that was corrected before the final version came to the AGM. I appreciate the call to prioritize environmental action, I assure you it is on all of our minds and an intricate part of CUC decision making at all levels. Lists of any kind unfortunately appear to prioritize some things over others; this is not how we operate. 

For this year the CUC Board and Staff will continue to operate with the Goals and Priorities approved at the 2022 AGM. We are beginning a larger Strategic Planning process and there will be forums and leader roundtables in the fall open for members to discuss what the future work and purpose of the CUC should look like. Follow the CUC news and media accounts to keep up with those opportunities.

The Board and Staff will work together at our fall retreat to draft strategic goals and priorities to guide our work in 2024-25. These will be sent out to congregations for review in January as per our resolutions process. Member Congregations and groups of “at least 25 individual members from 3 congregations located in at least three regions” may submit resolutions by Dec 15th to be sent out for feedback and considered at the AGM the following May.

CUC ResolutionsProcess[1].2011-05.pdfSincerely,

Kiersten Moore (she/her/they)


Canadian Unitarian Council Board of Trustees


The CUC is a beacon for Unitarian Universalist communities across Canada, providing them with leadership, support and connection as they strive to foster a just and sustainable world and to enrich the spiritual lives of their members.

About US

We are an organic, grassroots group of Unitarians who are concerned about and want to affirm and promote the 4th Principle of the Canadian Unitarian Council. Most of us are members of congregations. The group is open to any who share our concerns.

We are not affiliated with any congregation or institution.

We welcome your comments and participation.