Unitarian 4th Principle Group

we affirm and promote the free and responsible search for truth and meaning

Founding Statement — Revised January 22, 2023

Unitarian Fourth Principle Group

Why the “Fourth Principle” Group?

The Fourth Principle states: We affirm and promote a free and responsible search for truth and meaning.  Members of this group are very concerned that the values embodied in this principle are being seriously eroded in the CUC, our congregations, and the UUA.  The values expressed in all our principles are what attracted many to become Unitarians.  

In 2021, the CUC managed the process for considering the 8th Principle in ways that for some Unitarians severely limited discussion of the need for and wording of the proposed principle, and ignored its own policy for full and open discussion of major proposals like this one.  There are a number of reported cases of members being intimidated and disrespected when trying to raise concerns with the proposed principle.  Others took refuge in silence.  Still others felt surprised and frustrated by the lack of genuine discussion forums.  This has led some to cancel their membership, to reduce their volunteer activities, to reduce their financial support, or to just remain silent and dissatisfied.

In 2023, the UUA intends to change Article II of its bylaws where the seven principles (and six sources) are stated.  The draft text of the revised Article II replaces the seven principles with seven “values and covenants”.  The “Pluralism” value only mentions “free and responsible search for truth and meaning” as something we do and not as a value we affirm and promote.  As well, the revised article changes the purpose of the UUA from “serving” the needs of its independent member congregations to “assisting” in their ministry.  The significance of the change is unclear but it appears the UUA intends to be more proactive about how member congregations conduct their ministry.  A significant number of UUs in the USA are troubled by the proposals, and by the authoritarian and intolerant ways in which the UUA is conducting the Article II review process.  Changes to the UUA bylaws are not binding on Unitarian congregations in Canada (unless, perhaps, they are also UUA members), but some Canadian Unitarians are concerned that there will be pressures to follow UUA’s lead.

What happens at the UUA matters to Canadian Unitarians because, while Unitarian congregations can call any minister they want, for all practical purposes they are limited to choosing a minister approved by the UUA.  Thus, those searching for a new settled minister (like UCV) select from a pool of candidates who may not be aligned with Canadian Unitarian principles and organizational purposes.

Our Commitments:

The members of the Fourth Principle Group are committed to:

  1. Affirming and promoting a free and responsible search for truth and meaning.  We support individuals in their search for truth and meaning for themselves, and in speaking out against restriction of those explorations. 
  2. Sustaining our liberal values- and principles-based faith tradition,
  3. Supporting our congregations in fulfilling these commitments, and
  4. Adhering to a Covenant of Healthy Relations like that of the Vancouver Unitarians

To help build trust and dialogue, new members of the group are asked to post a short biography within a week or so describing their connections to their own congregation, any connections to the wider denominational communities, and their current concerns, especially as they relate to the Fourth Principle.

Revised January 22, 2023, to refer to modified Article II proposal. 

About US

We are an organic, grassroots group of Unitarians who are concerned about and want to affirm and promote the 4th Principle of the Canadian Unitarian Council. Most of us are members of congregations. The group is open to any who share our concerns.

We are not affiliated with any congregation or institution.

We welcome your comments and participation.